
Showing posts from July, 2014

Are you an Excuse Maker?

With the school year fast approaching, I wanted to talk about excuse makers. Children are the best at this, aren't they?      "Did you hit your brother?"      "He made me!"     I usually come back with something like, "you mean he grabbed your arm and balled up your fist with his other hand and then hit himself?!?! That's incredible!" At this point I remind them that if they did hit, it is their responsibility to learn how to control the feelings that cause them to want to hit so they won't do it again. We are all excuse makers though by nature. I don't think most of the time it is a problem.      "What's the matter with this loaf of bread?" your husband asks.      "I think the yeast was old so it didn't rise," you respond. Then you buy new yeast and your bread turns out fine the next time. That is an excuse I can live with where as the first example I can't. But, how does this apply to the school...


I would have liked to have driven my Yukon to girls camp as it seated more girls and has 100K less miles than the truck but the air conditioning went out on Friday before camp (after I just had it fixed) and I wasn't about to drive two hours into the Arizona desert without AC. I begrudgingly drove my pickup truck. Towing the truck home Unfortunately, on the way home from girls camp the truck died on me as I was going up a hill. We got my trailer hitched up to another truck and got the girls into other vehicles to go home. I rode most of the way home where I met Ben who was driving our Yukon and a flat bed trailer to tow the truck home with. I turned around with him and we went back to get it. So I still got to drive a few hours without AC in our lovely desert. Lucky me. Yesterday I finally had a chance to drive the Yukon into the dealer to have it looked at since they had just fixed it a few days prior to it breaking again. As the mechanic opened the hood he realized the se...