What I wish I had said...Women's Conference part 1
I was asked to give a presentation at our stake women's conference last weekend. I stressed about it and worried about it for several weeks. I didn't sleep (I wish I hadn't eaten but I did the opposite), I couldn't relax or really think about anything else. I'm sure my friends were sick of me asking them what they thought on the topic. The truth of it was...I didn't feel worthy to address this topic. House of Order, House of God My friends and family are all laughing pretty good right about now. I'm not a great housekeeper. End of story. And, to top it off, most of the time I'm not that worried about it ever getting clean. So, how am I going to talk to a group of 300 or so women about House of Order, House of God? And then it dawned on me. I'm doing the best job that I can do for ME and MY family, so that's what I tried to convey. We talked about some of the reasons we don't have perfect homes. Some of us haven't e...