
Showing posts from August, 2011

Liken the Scriptures

One of my most favorite things I learned about when I was in high school seminary was the principle of “likening the scriptures unto myself.”  I wouldn’t say that I am a scriptorian by any means, but I do love it when I read the scriptures and can apply it directly to my life.  While studying my Personal Progress goals recently, I came across this scripture and I just knew it was something I needed to directly apply to me, as a woman, a mother, and a wife because  I have so much to work on.   And, when you need guidance, what better place to turn to than the scriptures?  I’ll put my notes in red after each verse that I applied to myself.  I’d love to know how you would apply any of these verses to yourself. Proverbs 31:10-31 10  ¶Who   can   fin d   a   virtuou s   woma n ?   f or   her   price   is   far   above rubies.   I need to value myself and have confidence in my role as a woman,...